
  • Legal.

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  • Web hosting.

  • This internet website is web-hosted by the following IT business : OVH ® ©.

    Address of the headquarters : OVH - 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 ROUBAIX, France - N° tel. : 33 (0)8 99 70 17 61.

  • Terms of use.

  • Soon.

  • Intellectual property.

  • Photographs, images. Credits : SUPRANEO ® ©.

    jQuery and JS codes come from TYMPANUS / CODROPS (Portugal), (TYMPANUS ® ©) ® ©.

    Cube 3D comes from David DESANDRO & MIT (USA / MA), (USA gov ® ©) ® ©

    Slider from Dev7studios and MIT (USA / MA) (USA gov ® ©) ® ©.

  • Industrial protection.

  • Copyright © 2014 - 2016 • SUPRANEO • All rights reserved ®. SUPRANEO ™.

  • Registration / CCI / capital.

  • Registration : soon.

    CCI : soon.

    Capital : soon.

  • Number of intracommunautaire VAT.

  • Soon.

  • Liabilities.

  • Lawful representative : Jean-Charles HAZARD.

  • Country law.

  • Soon.

  • Datas. Computing and freedom.

  • Datas : soon.

    Computing and freedom : soon.

  • Environment.

  • Soon.