
  • Tech.

  • SUPRANEO company / Scale-up © ® ™ / leadership, management, administration, excellence & expertise. Engineering, science, technologies (tech) & R & D & R & I.


    Which tech ?

    company / Scale-up,
    C.E.O., © ® ™.

    Social issues, sociology, management, leadership, western countries art-de-vivre,
    med-tech (medicals technologies), health-tech (health technologies),
    secur-tech (security technologies), villages-tech (villages technologies), smart-cities-tech (smart cities technologies),
    env-tech (environment technologies), travel-tech (travel technologies), french-tech & international-tech, lex-tech.

    Business unit / Start-up,
    C.E.O., © ® ™.

    astro-tech (astronautics technologies), aero-tech (aerospace technologies),
    aero-log-tech (aerospace logistics technologies).

    Business unit / Scale-up,
    C.E.O., © ® ™.

    AETSV-tech (autonomous exploration, transport space vehicle technologies),
    AETAV-tech (autonomous exploration, transport aerospace vehicle technologies),
    astro-log-tech (astronautic logistics technologies), planets-terraforming-tech (planets terraforming technologies),
    ATHCPSAAEV-tech (autonomous terraforming / human colonization preparation space and aerospace exploration vehicle technologies).

    10110 AI & ROBOTICS
    Business unit / Start-up,
    C.E.O., © ® ™.

    robot-tech (robotics technologies), AI-tech (artificial intelligence technologies), AHR-tech (autonomous humanoid robots technologies),
    3DP-tech (3D printing technologies), AETAV-tech (autonomous exploration, transport aerospace vehicle technologies),
    AIFPETLV-tech (autonomous individual, family and professional exploration and transport land vehicle technologies),
    DHA-tech (dedicated to humans assistive technologies),
    int-log-stand-tech (international logistics standard technologies), l-&-s-log-tech (land and sea logistics technologies).

    Business unit / Start-up,
    C.E.O., © ® ™.

    Western countries art-de-vivre, science,
    SN-tech (social networks technologies), cyber-sec-tech (cyber security technologies).

    Business unit / Start-up,
    C.E.O., © ® ™.

    Western countries art-de-vivre,
    SN-tech (social networks technologies), wine-tech (wine technologies),
    cyber-sec-tech (cyber security technologies).

    Anciens & nouveaux terroirs (AENT)
    Business unit / Start-up,
    C.E.O., © ® ™.

    Western countries art-de-vivre,
    food-tech (food technologies), agri-tech (agriculture technologies), viti-tech (viticulture technologies),
    bio-tech (bio technologies).

    Edmond BOYLIEU de GREE (EBdG)
    Business unit / Start-up,
    C.E.O., © ® ™.

    Western countries art-de-vivre,
    wine-tech (wine technologies), drink-tech (drink technologies), lux-tech (luxury technologies),
    agri-tech (agriculture technologies), viti-tech (viticulture technologies), bio-tech (bio technologies),
    chem-tech (chemicals technologies).

    Business unit / Start-up,
    C.E.O., © ® ™.

    Western countries art-de-vivre,
    drink-tech (drink technologies), agri-tech (agriculture technologies), bio-tech (bio technologies).

    Narcisse X
    Business unit / Start-up,
    C.E.O., © ® ™.

    Western countries art-de-vivre, science,
    transhumanism-tech (transhumanism technologies), lux-tech (luxury technologies), bio-tech (bio technologiese),
    agri-tech (agriculture technologies).

    Business unit / Start-up,
    C.E.O., © ® ™.

    Western countries art-de-vivre,
    robot-tech (robotics technologies), AI-tech (artificial intelligence technologies), 3DP-tech (3D printing technologies),
    AIFPREI-tech (autonomous individual, family and professional real-estate infrastructures technologies), lux-tech (luxury technologies),
    bio-tech (bio technologies), agri-tech (agriculture technologies).

    Business unit / Start-up,
    C.E.O., © ® ™.

    Western countries art-de-vivre,
    electronic-acoustic-tech (electronic acoustic technologies).

    Business unit / Start-up,
    C.E.O., © ® ™.

    Western countries art-de-vivre,
    electronic-acoustic-tech (electronic acoustic technologies).

    Business unit / Start-up,
    C.E.O., © ® ™.

    IT services,
    inf-tech ( { IT } information technologies), inf-sec-tech (informations security technologies), haptic-tech (haptic technologies),
    VR-tech (virtual reality technologies), AR-tech (augmented reality technologies), ML-tech (machine learning technologies),
    ML-tech / DL-tech (deep learning technologies), ML-tech / RL-tech (reinforcement learning technologies),
    geek-tech (geek technologies), cyber-sec-tech (cyber security technologies), cloud-comp-tech (cloud computing technologies),
    IOT-tech (internet of things technologies), holo-real-tech (holographic reality technologies).

    SUPRANEO lab
    innovation & Business unit / Start-up,
    C.E.O., © ® ™.

    Innovations, disruptive ideas, paradigm changes, scrum, AGILE methods, science,
    EV-tech (electric vehicles technologies), nano-tech (nano technologies), bio-tech (bio technologies),
    chem-tech (chemicals technologies), clean-tech (clean technologies), green-tech (green technologies),
    ener-tech (energies technologies) { elec-prod-tech (electricity production technologies) & elec-stor-tech (electricity storage technologies) }.

    SUPRANEO econs
    president, © ® ™.

    Economics, finance, creations of start-ups / scale-ups, business units / companies, e-commerce online,
    SUBEUCSU-cog-tech (start-ups, businesses & entrepreneurial units, companies & scale-ups cognitive technologies), analytics, big-data,
    ed-tech (education technologies), fin-tech (finance technologies), insure-tech (insurance technologies).